Little Drops of Rain, Little Grains of Sand “Sayings & Teachings of the Masters”
Author: Mike Prema
Little Drops of Rain, Little Grains of Sand is a literary work that would interest spiritual seekers of all traditions, both East and West. Written in a form reminiscent of the Gospel of Thomas, Zen koans, Hermetic writings, and many other codices of the ancients, this book presents insights, wisdom, teachings, and sayings as though conveyed by Sages and Masters of Wisdom. The verses are mostly written and presented in a metaphorical manner, thus pondering upon the verses could aid the reader in developing intuition and the higher mental faculties–they would certainly help one to develop a higher awareness and consciousness–this volume is quite timely for growing through the global challenges that we are all facing at this time.
The Masters mentioned in this book are fictitious, but the sayings and teachings are as real as the wisdom of Solomon and the many spiritual teachers of the Orient. This book is an indispensable source of reference and is a fine work for any thinker’s library.
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